Saturn In Sagittarius: Built On Faith

Something that strikes me regarding Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius is the concept of being built on faith – especially when we take into account this planet’s series of squares to a highly-spiritualized Neptune in Pisces. There is something tangible and yet intangible about this energetic pairing that does give the ability to manifest via belief…provided of course we apply the appropriate amounts of planning and elbow grease required to make it so. It can be tricky, though – Neptune’s involvement suggests there is also the possibility of doubt, confusion or a lack of clarity/focus, or even unrealistic visions that may cloud this process.

7 of Cups (upright and inverted) as depicted in the Robin Wood Tarot. This is the traditional "castles in the air" card (note the head in the clouds), with its inverted form being more akin to "wake up & smell the coffee".
7 of Cups (upright and inverted) as depicted in the Robin Wood Tarot. This is the traditional “castles in the air” card (note the head in the clouds), with its inverted form being more akin to “wake up & smell the coffee”.

Could it be that we are hoping to build upon something nebulous and ephemeral; a proverbial “castle in the air”? Or might we instead be “Ye of little faith”, discouraged and discounting possibilities because we’ve hit an obstacle somewhere? Back in my December 2014 newsletter, I mentioned one thing Saturn in Sagittarius was sure to do was bring tests of faith one way or the other for the sake of strengthening us. Fortify or weaken, it is our choice…it is time to look at what beliefs we are building on and how they are/aren’t they serving us.

The key under this energy is to set positive but realistic goals – unrealistic, misapplied LOA-type dogma that encourages fantasizing about having that dream job/pile of cash/whathaveyou without actually doing any of the real-world legwork required to procure such lofty ambitions is not the way to go, because a dream without a plan is just a wish. Or, if you prefer: God helps those who help themselves. I feel this theme has particular resonance over the next year with Saturn running over The Great Attractor several times during the next two hits of the Saturn/Neptune square. So let’s not misapply/distort the LOA to mean that we shouldn’t be doing any work to make those dreams a reality, aye?

On the subject of Saturn’s laws and the misapplication of The Law Of Attraction, I should also mention that any ideological framework can be misapplied in a harmful manner even if it *seems* positive – especially while Saturn in Sagittarius & Neptune in Pisces square one another.  I have seen this in action firsthand and know all too well  exactly what can happen when one reads a few too many self-help books and loses proper context. For example, when we are faced with significant stressors somewhere in our lives, I don’t believe we should just try to wish them away or pretend they don’t exist.  My concern with the LOA is that I’ve seen a (rigid) belief in its teachings do serious psychological harm when one bottles up feelings and thoughts they perceive to be “negative” out of concern that “like attracts like” and that talking about their fears, concerns, etc. will somehow only invite more negativity into their life.

When we stuff our very real, very natural feelings down inside like this, judge them as “bad”, and attach a degree of shame or stigma about expressing them, it is totally possible to wind up in a “when the levee breaks” scenario.  The result I saw involved someone being hospitalized for what ultimately turned out to be a panic attack, though at the time the party it was happening to didn’t register it as such.  The tightness in the chest and difficulty breathing seemed like a legit physical medical emergency given the lack of prior history regarding anxiety attacks, and it was initially suspected these symptoms might have been markers of a heart attack.  Thankfully this wasn’t the case, but unfortunately this event did indeed present residual psychological challenges for the person involved, as they were subsequently unable to drive for a number of years afterward.  Now tell me that’s healthy…! With Saturn in Sagittarius presently disposed of by Jupiter in Virgo, we do well to apply scrutiny to our belief systems to check to see if there might possibly be anything unhealthy going on. Yes, especially if the LOA is involved since Saturn is hovering around The Great Attractor.


2 thoughts on “Saturn In Sagittarius: Built On Faith

  1. Your usual thoroughness. Detailed long range planning is possible with the details to attend to.
    Thank you!


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