Jupiter In Scorpio: “Bucket List” Travel

We only have 7 weeks left of Jupiter in Scorpio – Jupiter’s tour of this sign is done and dusted when it enters Sagittarius on November 8, 2018.  There’s a growing sense of finality as this year-long transit approaches a close; something all too appropriate for a sign concerned with mortality.  Speaking of mortality, Jupiter as The Wanderer of the zodiac has dominion over long-distance travel (think plane as opposed to car, train, or bus) and as such the remaining weeks of this transit are as good a time as any to contemplate our “Bucket List” destinations; i.e. the places we hope to get the opportunity to visit sometime before we die.  Now this isn’t in a morbid sense; nobody’s kicking the bucket tomorrow or anything.  Rather this concept is something that can help us to walk in gratitude for every opportunity we have to expand our horizons, because the inevitability is that life itself is a terminal condition – as The Doors say, “No one here gets out alive”.  If we’re all gonna go sometime (and we all are!), why not allocate some energy and resources toward affording ourselves opportunities to enrich our lives through the experience of travel?  It can be life-changing.  And it’s certainly worth pointing out that Jupiter’s upcoming visit to Sagittarius is *the* premiere travel transit; excluding the times when it squares Neptune in Pisces (Jan/Jun/Sep 2019), which are not exactly the moments I’d pick to explore a fantasy destination.  So Jupiter’s remaining time in Scorpio = an ideal time to Vision Board out our “Bucket List” locales in prep for the restless, nomadic, wanderlust-laden energy of Jupiter’s imminent arrival in Sadge.  Do you have any particular places in mind?  Mine all seem to center around ancient sacred sites like Stonehenge, the Pyramids of Giza, Machu Picchu, The Nazca Lines, The Acropolis; ancient magickal monuments with powerful connections to the ley lines running through the lands they were built upon. Regardless of your reasons for visiting, think of places that provide fuel for a truly transformational Journey; make it a once-in-a-lifetime kind of trip!

Bonum cursom.


Jupiter In Scorpio: Transformative Growth

We’re down to our last couple months of Jupiter in Scorpio and before it bids this sign adieu to head into its natural domain of Sagittarius, there’s a central theme to be discussed regarding what this year-long passage has meant for us.  Jupiter in Scorpio brings transformative growth into our lives, but it’s at the expense of letting something else die off.  Perhaps we’re letting go of an old way of life, a belief, or experiencing some kind of massive metamorphosis.  This is, in some ways, traumatic by nature because nothing is the same afterward and we need to hold space for this sense of loss by appreciating the enormity of it all.  Relating this to an animistic perspective, the caterpillar doesn’t quite know what is happening when it cocoons off to become a butterfly; it just has the visceral instinctive sense that something monumental looms on the horizon where it simply cannot stay stagnant in its current incarnation any longer.

Back to what this means for us humans from an experiential standpoint, the common thread is how this Journey can seem overwhelming or scary in parts. We’re likely discovering some powerful core Truths about ourselves through this process and though not all of them are pretty, being honest about our Shadow/Lower Self is crucial if we’re to reap the biggest benefits this transit has to offer – metaphorically, it’s a lot like cave exploration. To this end, for those so inclined the therapeutic process can be a huge boon in this regard; particularly as the final sextile between Jupiter and Pluto culminates between now and mid-September. Bless that which is leaving or has left your life during this astrological passage, be grateful for the powerups aiding in this transformative growth, and prepare to receive an expansive sense of true freedom-of-movement courtesy of those new wings you’ve spouted by cooperating with The Process. 🐛🦋


Jupiter Direct

After 4 months of seeming dormancy, Big Daddy Jupiter has officially shifted back into forward motion from reverse (retrograde) gear!  As a result the Jupiter vibe is super potent at the moment; it’s almost as if this planet has been distilled into a concentrated Essence of Jove and our optimism & appetites return with a vengeance.

Image credit: Gabriel Saldana

Maybe this translates to an appetite for destruction or debt, or perhaps instead we’re hungering for intimacy/sex – whatever the case, know our vice-du-jour may be the adage that “more is more”. So before going overboard with decadent excess, some insightful and perhaps psychological understanding about what all of this might be rooted in may keep things from getting too out-of-hand.

One thing to be grateful for about Jupiter Direct: When this planet is retrograde, we’re often not as cognizant of our blessings because they tend to be less overt and more spiritualized in nature.  But now that Jove has resumed his “regularly scheduled programming”, abundance tends to flow in more outward ways. In honor of its present connection to Neptune, dream big and say a prayer for your greatest wish; then be on the lookout for signs that Divinity is indeed listening with a spirit of infinite generosity.  Keep the faith and give it about a month.


The North Is Nice

Image courtesy of the RWS tarot. Note the scales!

Benefic Jupiter has just passed over Fixed Star Zubeneschemali for a second time due its current retrograde motion – Zubeneschemali represents the North Scale of the constellation Libra and Jupiter passing over it is considered a fortunate influence for writing and public speaking, for finding favor with the courts or clergy, and gaining influential friends.* Because there’s also a South Scale (its counterpart Zubenelgenubi; situated about 4 degrees earlier in the zodiac), when I first started learning about the Fixed Stars and their effects it was easy to mix the two up.  So I came up with a nifty little mnemonic device to help me remember which was which – “The North is nice”.  The North Scale of Libra – which actually used to be the pincers of Scorpio until mankind decided to re-assign this parcel of celestial real estate – is considered the fortunate stellar influence of the two.  It was thought to be “The Full Price” side of Libra’s money-weighing scale.  By contrast, The South Scale – Zubenelgenubi – is the Insufficient Price of decidedly malefic nature.

There’s nothing not to like about the North Scale, though – “It gives good fortune, high ambition, beneficence, honor, riches, and permanent happiness.” *  Love that last bit – “permanent happiness”….!  It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?  Jupiter passes over this point for a third and final time during September’s second week; a blessing from the heavens if you need to give any kind of presentation, if you’re working on a research paper, thesis, or novel, and certainly if you could use a little help from friends in high places.  Sagittarius and Pisces benefit strongly from this energy since Jupiter is the ruling planet of both signs (Modern vs. Traditional rulership), as do Scorpios born near the 10th of November and/or those with planets/points around the 19 degree mark of Scorpio.


Jupiter Conjunct Unukalhai: Big Snake Medicine

With Jupiter retrograde and passing over Fixed Star Unukalhai (AKA Alpha Serpentis; the primary star in the constellation of The Serpent), we definitely have some Big Snake Medicine in the air at the moment. Jupiter magnifies things, and in this particular case it’s the Serpent’s Heart being blown up for our view.  We’ve already seen big headlines hitting recently re: Donald Trump’s Alpha Serpent fixer lawyer, Michael Cohen, getting raided by the FBI – Jupiter has long had an association with lawyers and when near this Fixed Star it brings the crawling King Snake variety of attorney into view in a way that simply cannot be ignored. Per Fixed Star authority Vivian Robson, Jupiter conjunct Unukalhai presages “…deceit, banishment, imprisonment, or exile” – looks like somebody’s going to jail.  We’ll have to see what further developments arise when Jupiter makes a third and final pass over this star in late September/early October.

But nefarious political implications aside, Jupiter near Unukalhai can be looked at in a much more neutral context via animism.  Snakes have long been symbols of knowledge, occult wisdom, sex, kundalini energy, death & rebirth, “shedding” things in order to grow, and metaphorically keeping low in order to avoid detection – perhaps some or all of these themes benefit us now with benefic Jupiter within range of this star.

Interestingly enough, in Traditional astrology Jupiter is associated with dreams and several nights ago I was paid a visit by both a King Cobra and an Anaconda in the same dream – Alpha Serpent Medicine indeed!

Image credit: Michael Allen Smith



The Intimate Benefits Of Jupiter In Scorpio

One of the perks of Jupiter in Scorpio as I’ve said before is how it has the capacity to improve intimacy, including our sex lives.  While some might be tempted to get this twisted and think “more” automatically equals “better” or follow in the philandering footsteps of the mythological Jupiter himself, this is really about elevating our beliefs and perspectives regarding intimacy in every sense of the word rather than focusing purely on the physical facet of fornication. Yes this particular placement certainly can increase sexual appetites, but this is an area of life we might apply a more insightful and empowering narrative around if we truly want to reap the benefits Jupiter in Scorpio has to offer to the absolute fullest – especially while Jupiter continues to sextile Pluto off and on throughout the year (Jan, April, & Sept 2018).

It’s important to understand that low-vibration intimacy is something to be avoided like the plague under Jupiter in Scorpio – Jupiter’s influence is primarily one that magnifies things; this can be in a dysfunctional capacity just as easily as it can be an enriching one.  Consequently, whatever vibe we’re approaching sex and intimacy with during Jupiter in Scorpio becomes amplified BIG TIME; wouldn’t we naturally want this to be something positive rather than negative, then?  Ideally, intimacy should always be an uplifting experience that we find deeply enriching and that expands the root system of a relationship.  It allows us to expose parts of ourselves that nobody else sees, and when it’s positively received and generously given back in kind this in turn increases trust and thereby strengthens the alliance.

This is a time to boost our overall consciousness about this area of life waaaaaay up rather than sleaze it up; particularly if it enhances our understanding, tolerance, and openness regarding anything that might relate to our biological sex, sexuality, or even sexual health.  So it’s definitely a “no” to anything that doesn’t better us in this respect; especially in the bedroom –  whether it’s a “Felon I’d Like to F***” kind of scenario, an insatiable sexual appetite masking a large and vacuous void hidden inside, mistaking major “intensity” and “complications” for true intimacy (See: 50 Shades of Grey), or hatef***ing the ex, the toxic side of this energy mustn’t be allowed to run free and wild.  All Scorpio energy holds the potential to consecrate or destroy, so being very conscious *not* to reward negative and/or self-destructive behaviors (like any of the aforementioned) with a dopamine hit is crucial.  This is why sex can be so powerful; best to make sure it’s being used as a force for Good rather than as a weapon of mass destruction.


Jupiter Retrograde In Scorpio

As Jupiter in Scorpio puts it in park before shifting into reverse (retrograde) gear tonight, the next four months present an ideal time to put our psyche under a magnifying glass and root out any possible inclinations toward destructive excess. Jupiter in Scorpio can have quite the Appetite for Destruction; a real vice for “more, more, more” whether that’s sex, food, maxing out the plastic on a deluxe shopping spree, or anything else – hey, if a little is good then more must be better, right? But when Jupiter traverses Scorpio this philosophy has the capacity be taken to an obscene degree; almost like something you’d see on one of those TV shows about hoarding.

However Jupiter turning retrograde in Scorpio tends to shift our psychological perspective to help us understand that any kind of Gluttony is in fact a Deadly Sin. So from now until around mid-July it is entirely possible to find ourselves overwhelmingly disgusted that we’ve overdone it in some area; prompting us to eliminate whatever this excess is. This process can be metaphorically akin to a “binge & purge” kind of scenario, and as such it would be extremely important that we examine the psychological underpinnings of why we compulsively stuff any kind of Void with “more, more, more”. This doesn’t even have to be an actual hardcore vice, either – you don’t have to be hooked on heroine/blow, blackout drunk, or 600+ lbs to know that your appetite for something may have gotten a little out of hand. It could be something comparatively more “benign” like caffeine, chocolate, carbs, sugar, whatever; something we’re overdoing in a way that’s bad for us because it feels so good. But if we were to dig a little deeper, what’s really driving us to mainline endorphins like this; why do we need that dopamine hit?

Jupiter In Scorpio: Terminal Positivity

I want to talk about the notion that “positivity” is always a good thing – we love being upbeat because it feels…good, right? But like all things Jupiter-oriented, it does have the capacity to be harmful when taken to excess and it’s this angle that I want to discuss today with Jupiter continuing to traverse Scorpio until November 2018. Any planet tenanting Scorpio has to face its Shadow side for proper psychological integration, and when we’re talking about uplifting Jupiter this naturally entails an examination of how it’s possible to suffer from terminal positivity.

Let me begin by stating that I am generally of the opinion that what people choose to believe is their own business – as long as you’re not going door-to-door trying to promote your life philosophy to others and “convert” them, vaya con dios. I prefer “Live and Let Live”, so provided you’re not bothering me or mine by “correcting” others and telling them they’re “wrong”, have at it. But please bear with me, because for the purposes of this post I do need to outline how certain beliefs have the capacity to turn dysfunctional on us and this includes Jupiter’s optimism.

There is a point where positivity warps into something pathological and one of the primary indicators we have of this is zealousness; especially regarding the promotion of it. Jupiter in Scorpio can be prone to fanaticism because Scorpio is a sign of extremes, so it takes the moral, philosophical, political, and spiritual beliefs of Jupiter and applies them with passion. Now there is nothing wrong with believing something very deeply; however when this crosses the line to where we seek to impose our personal truth upon others (no matter if we think it for their own good and do it with a smile), this is a problem. This kind of coercion or manipulation does not respect the sovereignty of the individual and is in fact an intrusion – recall the saying “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”.

Another important point to consider is whether or not the “positive” individual is open to discussing different point of view. Scorpio energy can tend to make things very black-and-white, all-or-nothing and one of the signatures of terminal positivity is negating the existence of all that does not fit within its paradigm. If one is very fixed in their doctrine and finds it threatening to contemplate or discuss other ways of seeing things, they may seek to kill off anything they perceive as “negative” or “low vibration”. The keyword is perceive, though; it does not mean that in raising bigger-picture (social, cultural, moral, spiritual, political) questions that may be challenging to the individual’s views, one actually is being negative.  “Positive vibes only” becomes destructive when it loses context – for example, when it denies the existence of things like racism, sexism, classism, and all kinds of larger socio-cultural issues because it’s too busy white-lighting its aura in a protective bubble because we magnetically “receive what we believe”. To insist a “poverty mindset” is at the root of someone’s financial insecurity when corrupt and very real things like wage inequality still exist in the world is rather messed up, IMO – it is a very first-world problem to be able to negate the things that huge segments of the global society have been deeply affected by just because one has supposedly ascended above it all and says they have reached a level where it can no longer affect them. While it may be all fine and good that it doesn’t affect *your* reality, what about everybody else??

Perhaps the most reliable indicator that someone is suffering from a case of terminal positivity, though, is when this has twisted from being a helpful tool in combating a negative default inner monologue and turned instead into a covert weapon of smug condescension directed at those one perceives as having “stinkin’ thinkin’”. If this really is about making your life and the lives of those around you better, surely there is no need to pervert this with the taint of arrogant self-righteousness? When lifting yourself up involves kneecapping someone else, re-evaluate your ulterior motives because this is a dysfunctional, poisonous, and power-trippy philosophy.


Jupiter In Scorpio Trine Neptune In Pisces Vibe

There’s an ongoing super Watery alignment happening between Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces during 2018. We took our first dip into this aquatic energy back in early December 2017, but it will return to make a big splash twice more this year. The GIF above (courtesy of The Life of Pi) is a pretty accurate visual metaphor for how this energy *feels*; enormous, unfathomable, and at times even overwhelming.  Massive Truth Waves come bobbing up from the depths of our psyche and wash over us like some kind of giant leviathan breaching the surface.  Because Jupiter is tenanting Scorpio, some of these Truths will be ugly.  But they need to be allowed to rise up to the top; particularly if and when we’ve suffered in silence – how else can we release and transcend? By dealing with them honestly we can start to replace resentment with forgiveness, dissolve bitterness with (self?)compassion.  This isn’t a get-out-of-jail free “love all, forgive all” pass necessarily, but it does favor taking a spiritual view of the fucked up things that happen to us all in order to reach a place of serenity and acceptance of the Truths we cannot change so we’re empowered by – rather than hiding from – them.

The trine between Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces perfects again on May 25 & August 19 of 2018, but for all intents and purposes we should expect to feel the effects of this vibe bubbling up for weeks on either side of these dates. For those who missed the in-depth newsletter article I wrote about this trine in my December 2017 issue, you can contact me to request a copy if you would like more info on this cosmic configuration.  There’s plenty of good stuff this alignment has to offer us; moreso the deeper we dive into it, so don’t be put off by what you see topside.


Jupiter In Scorpio: The Joy Of Sex

One of the many perks of Jupiter’s year-long passage through Scorpio is that it does herald a boost for bedroom-related matters! There’s an intimate openness about Jupiter in this sign that encourages exploration and helps us truly (re?)connect with the Joy of Sex.  I don’t just mean the purely mechanical biological components of it, either – we’re talking the total, erm, package. Forgive the unintentional pun, but I mean to convey it encompasses so much more than the physiological part of the equation; we’re talking everything – sexual politics, views, beliefs, philosophies, paradigms, the honesty with which we approach sexual matters; all our naked Truths about sex & sexuality, basically. It also presents an opportunity for stripped-down candor where we can disrobe in every sense of the word, so promotes true intimacy *beyond* the mere corporeal.  This, in turn, may create a positive feedback loop that can serve as a natural bedroom enhancement – when there’s deeper layers of trust, understanding, & tolerance, we’re certainly apt to be more generous in the sack.

It’s important to understand that Jupiter in Scorpio correlates to psychological growth as well, and if there’s been something buried in our psyche that prevents a happy and fulfilling sex life, the therapeutic process can be an enormous benefit to us during this time. Initially this may present as the trauma in question being magnified for us in some way – for example, in the wake of the  recent huge Jupiter-in-Scorpio news about high-profile sexual predators like Weinstein & Toback et al,  a massive glut of unpleasant stuff has indeed been blown up in the collective psyche regarding such matters.  As triggering and disturbing as it may be for these kinds of horrible truths to come to light, Jupiter always offers the opportunity for improvement. So if we’ve been hiding a Truth that has deeply and perhaps perniciously impacted our most private and intimate beliefs about sex and sexuality, there’s a chance for us to also transmute this through understanding into a lighter, less dense state.  Through no fault of our own, sometimes the soul becomes infected with malicious operating scripts that taint our enjoyment and happiness – with Scorpio being the sex sign, this is especially so in the bedroom. However, this passage presents an opportune moment to open up regarding taboo subject matter such as this in order to offer us renewed hope and optimism.  It’s important to remember that even out of evil circumstances, something powerfully good can emerge.  So if something has psychologically contaminated the Joy of Sex for us, it behooves us to explore how we might enhance this area of our lives for the better.
