Guardian Mars

Mars is in a tricky position right now despite occupying his Capricorn fortress.  Marching across the ramparts to gain a superior vantage point, he assesses the conditions and notes hostile forces closing in on the castle from multiple directions.  Rather than send his troops out to meet his enemies on the battlefield, he issues the following order – “Fortify your positions and prepare to hold the line!”  The wisdom gleaned from having weathered many battles during his long and illustrious military career tells him this is going to be a waiting game. He’s sent word for reinforcements, though nobody knows if the messenger will survive the long and treacherous journey to the neighboring duchy.  But General Mars knows that if he yields to fear by allowing himself to be baited by his enemies into leaving the relative safety and protection of the castle walls in haste, the results could prove ruinous.  No; better to hold tight for now and make preparations.

This same advice applies to all of us at the moment.  If we’re engaged in any kind of conflict or can see one brewing on the horizon, patience, a cool head, and professionalism are indispensable.  No matter how tempted we may be to escalate things, the situation requires careful self-regulation now.  This is a chess game we’re definitely going to want to mentally calculate a few moves out as opposed to doing anything rash, because otherwise things may go downhill quickly; particularly if we find ourselves going up against an opponent with more status/clout/authority/seniority.  Though there’s a possibility the messenger may be captured or killed and reinforcements may not arrive on time, this is no reason to lose our head – we’re in a stronghold and won’t be taken down quickly or easily. Best for now just to stockpile ammunition and supplies while strengthening our position and awaiting aid from allies – Mars picks up support from Venus next week, potentially availing us of a comrade-in-arms.  Or at least someone who has resources to spare/share and is fighting on the same side – all we have to do is hunker down and ride it out for a bit; exhausting our adversaries by allowing them to grind themselves into dust against our fortifications.


Mars Conjunct Saturn In Sagittarius: Right Action Meets Right Timing

After months of stalled or slowed activity, action planet Mars finally reaches escape velocity from its long and arduous retrograde phase. But before it finally achieves liftoff in earnest, it has one final pre-flight checklist to go over courtesy of its current conjunction with Saturn: Are we going the right way? Doing the right thing? Do we have a good plan in place to increase our chance of success with this initiative? Do we have optimal weather conditions and timing for our “launch”?

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You may recall that months ago while discussing this Mars retrograde phase, I mentioned the importance of waiting for “the Sign” to know when it’s “go time” – it amused me to no end to get confirmation of this via a visitation from a praying mantis yesterday just ahead of this conjunction. Mantis symbolism teaches the wisdom of right timing, and of not moving until we know for sure the moment is most opportune. I watched the mantis for a good 45 minutes, noting its very deliberate movements up the stalk of a flower until it sat just below a profusion of blooms that was sure to attract its prey. It was very patient – a few bees buzzed above it here and there at various points, however they were just out of reach and moving would have meant the risk of the mantis scaring its quarry off after it had found the perfect spot. After several more moments of observing, I watched with utter amazement as it snatched a hapless yellow jacket from mid-air with complete impunity right before my eyes – if that’s not a Sign about the veracity of waiting until the perfect moment to strike, I don’t know what is. And with Mars currently aligned with Saturn, it’s crucial to heed this wisdom and strike only when we’re certain right action and right timing have in fact converged.

If you are unsure of whether or not this is indeed the case for you, this duo squaring mystical Neptune indicates that stillness is the way. Meditate. Dream. Pray, like my mantis friend. Ask for Divine Guidance in the form of a vision.


Mars Conjunct Saturn In Sagittarius & Doing The “Right” Thing

At the beginning of August Mars re-entered Sagittarius, and since doing so it has been creeping ever closer to a conjunction with Saturn at 10˚ of this sign.  When Mars is in Sagittarius, our actions tend to be guided by our (subjective) perception of Truth; of what is right, good, and morally correct.  Sagittarius represents our internal compass, you see; our ability to perceive “right” from “wrong” and live in accordance with our moral bearings.  This is why Sadge has an association with (neutrally) our judgement, as well as (negatively, on the Lo-Fi side) hypocrisy – the old “Do As I Say, Not As I Do” when one fails to practice what they preach like an evangelistic pastor righteously railing against sin and then living a private life that would make Sodom & Gomorrah look like Disneyland.  Sometimes our internal compasses don’t always point to True North.

As Mars creeps ever closer to Saturn in Sagittarius, a tendency to “do the (again, subjectively) right thing” can become harder.  Saturn’s energy affecting Mars is much like running oneself up against a large stone wall – there’s often a sizeable challenge, impediment, or obstacle in the way that makes the going harder. It is possible there is a difficult reality to contend with and put into context.  Do we quit what we’re doing?  Perhaps, perhaps not.  But at the very least is IS important that we pause and take a look at this resistance to our actions, because this conjunction isn’t operating in a vacuum.

Image courtesy of the RWS Tarot deck.
Image courtesy of the RWS Tarot deck.

Enter Neptune.  Neptune is a mere degree away from an exact square to this duo, adding all kinds of distortion to the mix and potentially leading us to take an action where we metaphorically shoot ourselves in the foot.  Perhaps what we have perceived as “the right thing to do” is actually skewed and has caused us suffering – now we suspend judgement and turn our perspective upside-down much like The Hanged Man in the Tarot.  Maybe we are lacking self-compassion and have been holding ourselves to a higher standard of behavior than we would hold anyone else in similar circumstances. Perhaps the “resistance” we encounter as this conjunction of Mars and Saturn perfects on August 24th is merely trying to show us that we are going the wrong way.  Or doing the “wrong” thing.  To clarify, I don’t mean “wrong” in a moral context; I mean that it’s possible we’ve made an error in judgement where what we’ve been doing or the way we’ve been doing it has made it excessively hard on ourselves.  We are all human – nobody is Jesus.  We’re all just trying to do the best that we can do to in accordance with our own conscience so we can lay our head down on our pillow and sleep at night.

So if you find yourself trying to do what you believe is right and nonetheless encountering resistance from The Universe every step of the way as this conjunction tightens its iron vise-like grip, please pause and consider all of this. If it feels like you have a cross to bear, perhaps it is time to release.  Have compassion for yourself rather than punish yourself, because even Divinity has mercy.


Repost- Mars Conjunct Saturn In Sagittarius: Punching Above Your Weight

NB:  The following is an updated repost as Mars has re-entered Sagittarius and is presently making its way toward a conjunction with heavyweight Saturn on August 24th.  We were within striking distance to a conjunction between these two planets back in April before Mars halted its movement to turn retrograde and back out, but now it’s officially on like Donkey Kong!

Warrior planet Mars has been traversing Sagittarius since early August, and in a few short weeks The Red Planet makes a conjunction with hefty Saturn. The weeks before this event can be thought of as if it were getting ready for some kind of huge and highly-publicized title fight and for several months the theme “punching above your weight” has been on my mind re: this energy – let me explain…

In Traditional astrology, Mars & Saturn are considered malefics; i.e. generally speaking wherever these guys go in the chart, Trouble tends to follow. It’s not as if they are without their positive facets; it’s just that – as a first order – what you are inclined to get is conflict (Mars) and adversity (Saturn). Can these be overcome? Absolutely. But I think when these two celestial bodies join together to form an astrological Tag Team of Tribulation, it is only good sense to be on the lookout for the more problematic manifestations.

When I see this duo expressing their energies within the confines of a specific house or concentrating their energies upon a certain planet, I feel there is a real possibility of finding ourselves at some kind of competitive disadvantage in that area of life. For example, we may literally be going up against a stronger opponent; someone with a better reputation, more status, authority, or general clout. This isn’t meant to inspire fear; rather to instill an appropriate level of respect for the challenges we may be up against in a given area of life – particularly if we find ourselves outranked/outclassed in some way. So before initiating some kind of conflict (especially a legal one with both malefics in litigious Sagittarius) that could blow up and carry big consequences, I think it’s important to pause and check the ego. Because when Mars occupies this sign, the default inclination may be to operate from a place of moralistic “right fighting”. It is certainly one thing to fight for Justice and/or Truth, but it’s quite another to identify the ego so strongly with the principle of being “right” that we fail to see the warning signs that advise “Danger Ahead”.

Remember Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out for the NES back in the day? Playing this dude named Little Mac & invariably getting your ass kicked the first time you went up against old Iron Mike? Yeah, this astrological energy can be a lot like that.

Mars combining with Saturn can so often lend itself to an “Enforcer” type of vibe, and especially if we find ourselves placing our perception of Truth up against someone else’s, this can indeed be a recipe for Trouble when righteousness runs amok. We may get so focused upon what someone else is doing “wrong” that we could lose sight of our own behavior (and thus the broader ramifications that may come of this) in the process. This isn’t a time to let a beef become something bigger than it needs to be – ideally, we manage it at an optimally appropriate level whenever possible. If for some reason these containment measures aren’t enough and we wind up legitimately needing to escalate it, we do so gradually and with a full understanding of the totality of what we’re up against.

Pausing to show beneficial self-restraint while considering the big-picture perspective of whether or not – in the Grand Scheme of Things – this is a philosophical hill worth metaphorically dying upon can help us avoid bigger problems down the road….I’m thinking potential scenarios that could entail damage to things like our reputation or bigger long-term goals – such as career prospects – for example. Because this to me looks like it can have all the makings of a public and high-profile fight of some kind….perhaps one of biblical proportions, even. It’s not that David can’t overcome Goliath; it’s just that before we find ourselves in a “punching above our weight” kind of scenario, it’s prudent to take a step back and consider whether we really want a conflict to become a potentially defining moment/event in our lives because it looks like something that has the ability to take up a lot of time & energy. If this is indeed something we must do, then preparation and timing will be key – train hard and make sure to land a solid hit at the most opportune moment possible. A sling may also help.  😉

Be advised the energy of this conjunction builds over the next couple of weeks, with the Main Event happening on August 24th.


More Saturn In Sagittarius

I mentioned a while back in a previous post that with Saturn in Sagittarius, the type of evil to fear most is quite possibly “The indifference of good men”.  To recap a bit, Hi-Fi Saturn is about protection and when it resonates with the higher side of Sagittarius, it does so without regard to things like race, culture, socio-economic status, age, gender, or sexual orientation because we are all a part of the HUMAN race. Saturn in Sagittarius largely deals with the reality that – as members of this global human race – each person has an individual responsibility toward the Collective Good. When we are firm in our principles and seeking to live an upright life there really isn’t room for “The indifference of good men”, because our goodness and virtue only extend as far as our willingness to protect what is right, true, & just when presented with tests such as the ones we now face with Saturn now at the halfway point of its journey through Sagittarius.

Yes, I am referencing Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, among many others.

The global community is being challenged like never before during Saturn in Sagittarius’ prolonged square to Neptune in Pisces square to deal with the reality of prejudice rather than sticking our heads in the ground like a bunch of ostriches and pretending this doesn’t exist.  And more importantly, it is time to figure out how we can put a stop to it.

Frankly, I’d like to think this will eventually resolve itself as age continues to claim old-school folk with residual dinosaur mentalities re: these issues.  But what scares me is the fact that over my lifetime I have never seen such a sharp and abrupt backslide toward the dark ages of civil rights as I have in these last few years.  I am disgusted that men with badges jump right to the use of lethal force because they claim to be in fear for their lives and that it doesn’t dawn on them 1) what kind of conscious or even nebulous, unconscious bias may have played a role in the manifestation of that fear  2) the extensive training they had been given in police academy also taught them how to use non-lethal means to protect themselves (taser, pepper spray, etc.) – do they suddenly forget this?  3) that if one finds themselves so afraid that they are in danger of making a grave error in judgement that may result in the wrongful death of another human being, then they are clearly not fit for duty  4) that if one is prepared to discharge their weapon in the line of duty, then they had damn well better be willing to be accountable for doing so.

I don’t mean to sound as if I am completely unsympathetic to law enforcement, because it is unquestionably a dangerous job – especially for beat cops working in crime-laden districts.  There absolutely ARE reasons for having legitimate fear.  But when Saturn squares Neptune, fear is apt to become exaggerated and unrealistic – especially if/when it’s hiding a bias of some kind.  Police – being Saturn-ruled – are especially affected by this energy, to the point where it has now become an epidemic.

Mars has finally left volcanic Scorpio and its volatile contact to Uranus.  Its aching trine to Chiron suggested that we are all in pain and must heal the violence in our psyches.  Now, as it approaches a conjunction to Saturn once again (exact on August 24), more than ever we must address police brutality so there is accountability.  There simply has to be consequences for use of excessive force that results in another human being’s death – justice for all regardless of race!


Mars Conjunct Saturn In Sadge: Punching Above Your Weight

Warrior planet Mars has been traversing Sagittarius since early March, but it is only now that we find The Red Planet coming within proximity to a conjunction with hefty Saturn, almost as if it were getting ready for some kind of huge and highly-publicized title fight. Though Mars retreats from this confrontation due his impending retrograde (which begins on April 17th) and this conjunction won’t get a chance to perfect until August, I keep seeing this duo factoring prominently in consultation lately and it has been calling to mind the concept of “punching above your weight” – let me explain…

In Traditional astrology, Mars & Saturn are considered malefics; i.e. generally speaking wherever these guys go in the chart, Trouble tends to follow. It’s not as if they are without their positive facets; it’s just that – as a first order – what you are inclined to get is conflict (Mars) and adversity (Saturn). Can these be overcome? Absolutely. But I think when these two celestial bodies join together to form an astrological Tag Team of Tribulation, it is only good sense to be on the lookout for problematic manifestations.

When I see this duo expressing their energies within the confines of a specific house or concentrating their energies upon a certain planet, I feel there is a real possibility of finding ourselves at some kind of competitive disadvantage in that area of life. For example, we may literally be going up against a stronger opponent; someone with a better reputation, more status, authority, or general clout. This isn’t meant to inspire fear; rather to instill an appropriate level of respect for the challenges we may be up against in a given area of life – particularly if we find ourselves outranked/outclassed in some way. So before initiating some kind of conflict (especially a legal one with both malefics in litigious Sadge) that could blow up and carry big consequences, I think it’s important to pause and check the ego. Because when Mars occupies this sign, the default inclination may be to operate from a place of moralistic “right fighting”. It is certainly one thing to fight for Justice and/or Truth, but it’s quite another to identify the ego so strongly with the principle of being “right” that we fail to see the warning signs that advise “Danger Ahead”.

Remember Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out for the NES back in the day? Playing this dude named Little Mac & invariably getting your ass kicked the first time you went up against old Iron Mike? Yeah, that.

Mars combining with Saturn can so often lend itself to an “Enforcer” type of vibe, and especially if we find ourselves placing our perception of Truth up against someone else’s, this can indeed be a recipe for Trouble when righteousness runs amok. We may get so focused upon what someone else is doing “wrong” that we could lose sight of our own behavior (and thus the broader ramifications that may come of this) in the process. This isn’t a time to let a beef become something bigger than it needs to be – ideally, we manage it at an optimally appropriate level whenever possible. If for some reason these containment measures aren’t enough and we wind up legitimately needing to escalate it, we do so gradually and with a full understanding of the totality of what we’re up against.

Pausing to show beneficial self-restraint while considering the big-picture perspective of whether or not – in the Grand Scheme of Things – this is a philosophical hill worth metaphorically dying upon can help us avoid bigger problems down the road….I’m thinking potential scenarios that could entail damage to things like our reputation or bigger long-term career prospects, for example. Because this to me looks like it can have all the makings of a public and high-profile fight of some kind….perhaps one of biblical proportions, even. It’s not that David can’t overcome Goliath; it’s just that before we find ourselves in a “punching above our weight” kind of scenario, it’s prudent to take a step back and consider whether we really want a conflict to become a potentially defining moment/event in our lives. If this is indeed something we must do, then preparation and timing will be key – train hard and make sure to land a solid hit at the most opportune moment possible. A sling may also help. 😉

Be advised the energy of this conjunction will be loosely in effect throughout April, but it returns for a rematch in August which will be the true Main Event.
