Time Zone Converter For Appointments

For ease of scheduling, please see this nifty Time Zone Converter if you want to book a consultation appointment.  All my appointments are scheduled in EDT/EST, so please use New York as the reference city.  It’s easy –  all you have to do is drag the green pointer at the top of the screen to the desired time slot using your nearest city (i.e. London, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney, Tokyo, etc.) and then follow the vertical line to the New York time zone to see the difference.  You can then use this as a reference point when scheduling with me.

Added bonus: It’s also a useful tool for figuring out the exact local time a New Moon, Full Moon, or other astrological aspect takes place in your area.  Most sources will cite the time a lunation or aspect occurs in UTC/GMT, so use London as the reference city and then compare to your location!