A “Knives Out” Mercury Retrograde

We have just kicked off yet another Mercury Retrograde, and this one sure is comin’ in HOT!  It’s an unusually aggro Rx with the Messenger Planet irritated by a frustrating back-and-forth grind in Aries; like trying to mash the gas pedal with the E-brake still on!  Mercury is all hotted up with basically nowhere to go and as this planet stomps around The Ram’s pen peevishly, The Trickster liable to take it out on us in decidedly “Not Funny” ways – here are a half-dozen quick tips for minimizing this retrograde’s potential edge:

  • SLOW DOWN; particularly on the road.  Haste is NOT our friend under this retrograde; whether we’re talking excess speed while driving or doing an ordinary chore/activity, saying something when we’re angry that we can’t take back, firing off an ill-thought out missive in frustration or irritation, or leaping to conclusions without clarifying facts. For at least the next few weeks, get in the habit of thinking over what you’re saying two or three times BEFORE you say/type/write it; repetition IS our friend here! Self-audit what you want to say; chances are the first impulse isn’t a good one.
  • Manage anger; BREATHE.  Count to ten.  Anger is natural; in a positive sense, it allows us to champion causes and fight the good fight in standing up for ourselves or others.  But under this retrograde, we’re more likely to become angry about things prematurely; when we’re lacking all the facts or somehow misunderstanding something – few things are worse than misdirected or ill-informed anger!  Self-righteous anger is another Cardinal Sin of this retrograde; just don’t do it, and be willing to admit when you’ve got something twisted because – historically speaking – pride usually comes before the fall.  There’s something we are in the process of identifying/uncovering about ourselves this Mercury Retro that can significantly change/challenge conceptions we’ve had in how we see ourselves and/or our thought process.
  • Identify & differentiate your communication style: There are Aggressive, Assertive, and Passive styles of communicating, and what every single one of us should be striving for is the positive Assertive middle setting where we are able to speak directly to our wants & needs while maintaining full consideration for others’ rights.  In a world filled with vitriolic rhetoric, this is something sorely needed today.
  • The temperature of conversation needs to come down.  Hot topics should be avoided.  This is not about scoring points & winning, but about learning to truly listen.  Hear yourself, and hear each other.  Because two people yelling at each other isn’t going to change anybody’s mind – if it’s clear someone just wants to force their opinion, disconnect from the conversation; let them argue with themselves instead. Remember, you can’t “win” if you don’t play; why play a stupid game for a stupid prize in the first place? 
  •  Both painful AND healing conversations will be had this Mercury Rx.  The first rule of approach should be “Do no harm” – pick words wisely; with care and sensitivity for the wounds they can cause.  Be brave in initiating (not forcing!) discussions about painful subjects for the sake of healing; rehearse what you want to say ahead of time rather than risk potentially stumbling over words on-the-fly,  be direct in stating the goal of mending injuries, ensure engagement in the topic at hand is 100% consensual (if someone doesn’t want to talk, respect this above all else), and address pain points directly; be willing to sit in the hot seat if you have to in order to achieve the stated goal.  To heal pain, we must often brave the fires of anger first; something that serves as a necessary self-protective mechanism when someone has hurt us. Bring a flame-retardant suit, or don’t go there period if you’ve hurt someone badly but can’t take hearing about it – half of healing is in the listening & understanding; the other lies in not repeating the offending behavior.  This Mercury Retrograde – particularly the back end of it – has the feel of verbal bomb-diffusing; where we’ll need a gentle, graceful, and loving conversational healing touch.  An unrefined rough-around-the-edges approach won’t do and is only likely to worsen a relationship due clumsy execution.  Steady yourself; if you’re nervous, best wait for nerves to be soothed and/or the heat of a situation to die down first before proceeding to initiate a dialogue – you don’t want to risk cutting (or crossing, via misunderstanding) the wrong wire and have things blow up in your face. 
  • Lastly, don’t assume; ask questions.  Assumptions are dangerous now; they equate to going off half-cocked, and if you would rather just altogether avoid a scenario in which you’re liable to metaphorically shoot yourself (or someone else) in the foot accidentally, best to mind the impulse to leap to possibly erroneous conclusions.   Put a trigger guard in place by questioning what you think you know or understand; “Am I understanding this correctly?

In closing, don’t be this guy:

What we’re definitely NOT going for this Mercury Retrograde in Aries is a “Conversational Arsonist” sort of look – avoid more base-level, shit-starting, pot-stirring tendencies, find healthier outlets for anger so it doesn’t come out sideways at the wrong target, and generally just take a chill pill.  Mercury is only retrograde for a few weeks, but it’s a particularly hot & sharp Rx prone to literal and metaphorical “burns” & “cuts” – to avoid finding yourself in a painful scrape with this planet, mind the above as Best Practices; the life you save may be your own. 


Heavenly Holly-days

Hello, my avid astrological enthusiasts!  It’s that time of year, and I’m in a giving mood – to this end, I have prepared a handy sign-by-sign guide to navigating 2023’s remaining months.  In it you will find the most topical issues affecting your zodiac sign (read for your Ascendant/Rising Sign if you know that, too) from now until the start of 2024.  I hope you enjoy it & happy holly-days!

♈ Dear Aries – Although your year probably didn’t start on a stellar note and it may have taken you a hot minute to hit your stride, you’re definitely in a stronger position overall as we’re closing out 2023.  The trickiest part for you may have involved a major (but necessary) overhaul to both your thinking and possibly the way you have been communicating yourself, but now you’re back to firing on all cylinders! As the year comes to an end, think about the theme of *restoration*; how to put energy back into *yourself* so you don’t start 2024 as depleted as you likely began 2023.  It may sound corny, but maybe part of this involves internally talking yourself up more; perhaps it would help get your mojo flowin’ to start your days with some positive self-affirmation??  Focus on how adaptable you’re become this year, and know you’ve got the right stuff to make it through *any* changes that life throws your way!

Aries, the cosmic conditions want you to also focus on the concept of nourishment right now – there’s the kind of psychological nourishment just under discussion via positive, restorative self-talk, and there is also physical nourishment and how you’re fueling your body to meet the day.  Think foods and/or supplementation that can help provide a “long burn”.  Ponder not only seasonal eating for the colder months (things like complex carbohydrates, high-quality protein, as well as supplements such as vitamins C & D to help you combat the effects of the darkest part of the year), but also quite possibility the elimination of things that could be causing underlying inflammation.  You may be able to clue into whatever this is by paying attention to the smaller signals your body might be giving off (any redness, itching, hypersensitivity, sneezing, etc.), so really listen to it and make an effort to nourish it better.

To this end, a consult with a nutritionist, herbalist, or naturopath may be in the cards.  I will also say that at the very end of the year, you may need to be more mindful of your health than others around Christmas & the New Year – you could find yourself more susceptible to illness, so please do what you can now to fortify your body and do try to avoid contracting anything communicable by being diligent about your respiratory health; especially if you’re traveling. In fact, part of improving your health may also entail finding a better approach to stress than simply adopting the mentality of “power through it” – there may be a technique or philosophy (such as mindfulness or breathing techniques) you can read up on that might beneficially change both this paradigm and your overall well-being!

♉ My Beloved Bull – It is fair to say that Taurus generally is not the biggest fan of change, but you’ve certainly grown much more accustomed to it as of late; both on the longer arc and as recently as this past summer & fall as the cosmos likely tested your ability to evolve & move gracefully toward the future that awaits.  It may have been messy, but now you’re smoothing your hair & neatening up after a period of disruption & disorganization.  Recent changes made benefit you; in fact, they could be transformational provided you don’t allow perfectionism to be your undoing.  So stop with the self-criticism & ease up on yourself!  Honest to goodness, it looks like you could use some aromatherapy & some well-deserved pampering even if the demands of life don’t simply vanish into thin air – carve out some time to please YOURSELF in the midst of everything and you’ll feel much more balanced heading into the last 2 months of the year.  Seriously; both scent and aesthetics can do wonders for you – bust out the essential oil diffuser and gear scents toward things like calm, relaxation, and/or smells that help you find your center in a storm, or experiment with a new signature fragrance to reclaim your personal power.

As for the visual end of things, perhaps it’s time to beautify your surroundings & gear them toward the aforementioned ends – even light aesthetic tweaks to your home or office can help you keep an even keel during this busy time of year, so think less about seasonal decorating and more about simple spruce-ups that have greater longevity.  Never underestimate the power of design to shift energy; whether we’re talking about feng shui for your environment or regarding what you see in the mirror each day.  Color therapy is *a thing*.  And so is music therapy – sound may be part & parcel of your self-care prescription, so extend this thinking to your playlist for some ambient assuagement of whatever may be ailing you.

And honestly?  Rather than being smiling and forcing yourself to be polite, sometimes it’s just easier to excuse yourself and/or avoid people who emit stank vibes – you may have the opportunity to put those evasion skills into practice over the holiday season, so check the company you’re keeping, notice patterns, and purify thyself accordingly.  You may also need to curb holiday spending a bit to keep credit card bills from getting out of hand – as the year winds down, examine material compulsions and get to the root of the psychology behind spending.  You benefit most from making a change here; one that can help you add to your bank account instead of depleting it.  Sometimes this is as simple as unplugging/disconnecting from what your friends are buying/consuming, or controlling your online presence so targeted ads can’t hit their mark.

♊ Greetings, genial Gemini!  Well, you might not be so genial at the moment, actually – you may be feeling more emotional than usual in November; in fact, “unsettled” or “stewing” are not outside the realm of possibility either. This is only temporary, but if you find yourself in a funk get to the bottom of whatever is disturbing you ASAP because the quicker you figure it out, the faster you can process what’s bugging you and organically move this heavy energy to get to a more informed – and I dare say transformed – state.  The theme for you right now is moving from stuck to empowered; particularly in a mental sense.  All sorts of feelings can pop up for people this time of year, and sometimes grief is one of those things that can rear its head and hold us fast.

Whether this might be seasonal or circumstantial, it may help to talk to somebody.  I don’t mean your friends; I mean maybe it’s time to put your mental health FIRST and reach out to a therapist.  There’s no shame in struggling, but if you find yourself ruminating then it’s time to fight those repetitive, negative thoughts with a multifaceted approach.  In addition to exorcising what’s bothering you orally (via talking), you may benefit from physical movement so take walks & breathe deep.  Also, mind the input channels – whether we’re talking about online environments that foster contention, competition, and/or negativity, friends with whom you’re having a divergence of values and are tempted to argue with, or craptastic news that somehow makes it into your feed & then catalyzes a tailspin, be proactive about unplugging so you can pull UP! You may also benefit from a salt bath or saining rite to help cleanse your vibe, so do feel free to get your “woo woo” on even if it’s a bit late in the season to be getting witchy – hmmm; maybe right now it’s less of a Thanksgiving atmosphere & more “The Nightmare Before Christmas” feelz? Whatever the case, try incorporating some metaphysical remedies for mundane troubles & lean into it!

Speaking of Thanksgiving, in all seriousness you should start feeling more upbeat the closer we get to Turkey Day. Though whatever has been bothering you won’t magically vanish, you will start to realize that you *do* have a lot to be grateful for, that the glass is in fact half-full if you can just tweak your perspective a bit, and there are little things you can do increase feelings of hopefulness.  Combat any inclination toward self-isolation or loneliness with phone calls or Facetime, feel better about life and the world by volunteering or doing something charitable (because this can also give you much-needed perspective), and avoid self-medicating.  Perhaps some journaling would help, or even a simple gratitude list to remind you of all the little things you can feel good about if you start to feel sad or lost.  You may be feeling more sensitive than usual this holiday season, so be gentle with yourself and surround yourself with positive music, people, and try to adopt a more optimistic mindset.

It may help you to consider a weekend getaway near mid-November, or if not, then perhaps go for a brief pleasure-cruise instead; a hike, a trip to the Christmas tree farm, a drive-by holiday light tour, or whatever – you don’t have to go far or do anything spectacular to enjoy yourself and adopt a merrier headspace. The year may even end with good financial news such as a raise or promotion at work, a partner/spouse getting a nice holiday bonus, or similar as we hit December.  I would avoid travel if you can, though; moreso around Christmas/the New Year because you’re more inclined than most to face holiday “headaches” – this could be both metaphorical and literal, as aside from trip-related hassles your immune system might not be quite up-to-snuff.  You could come down with something you would rather *not* catch as this “depleted” influence lingers due to your ruling planet backtracking & feeling out-of-sorts – pencil in some more restorative time at the end of the year to just rest; take extra-relaxing warm showers or baths, drink plenty of high-quality (alkaline??) water, steam your airways, and focus on sleep.  The astro tells me you might also benefit from a caffeine detox near the end of December (though do wean off gradually; remember what I said about “headaches” because caffeine withdrawal is real!) – try herbal teas/tisanes, golden milk, or hot cocoa as alternatives if you need a cuppa something warm.

♋ Como estas, Cancer? Boy; I sure bet you’re glad to see those eclipses in your rear-view mirror! As we turn the calendar page to November, you’re probably all too happy to be putting the (recent?) past behind you and distracting – I mean, devoting – yourself to home & family matters.  In all seriousness, the intensity may have been just a bit much as of late and the holiday season may truly be a welcome diversion from all the commotion, but the planets also tell me you likely may still need to dedicate some focus toward your inner world; which no amount of turkey & tradition should sidetrack. You’re in a reorientation phase, and part of steadying yourself involves keeping your emotional space sacred because everything hasn’t fully settled out yet.  This may be a somewhat uncomfortable process in moments, but emotional hygiene is important because it will help keep you balanced; especially when other people (say, partners/spouses & their families, for example) start adding greater complexity to the mix.  In particular, shining a light on your own fluctuating moment-to-moment needs is the key to proper self-care; helping you to manage responsibilities more-or-less effortlessly.  And for the love of all that is holy, ask for help!  Cancer often gets the reputation of being a “Domestic Goddess”, but forget trying to uphold that image in favor of a more self-compassionate plan; one that involves the successful division of time & labor so you’re not trying to hold it all together by yourself & then cracking under the weight of this strain.

Be mindful of your time around the hearth this holiday season, my caring Crab – eschew over-committing yourself to things like holiday bake sales, being a one-person catering show, or choosing time & labor-intensive recipes when you can make quality-yet-effortless meals that you can still be proud of with the aid of some proper planning.  Go old-school & put that crockpot to work, too – if you’re super busy (either with family-related commitments, work, or additional cooking duties), having a meal that’s ready when you are and with a negligible amount of preparation can make the difference between manageable vs. feeling overworked.  If you can call upon a partner or parent/grandparent to pitch in on communal family obligations, do so.  If you can ask your boss about taking take a personal or sick day, appeal to their humanity and make use of your PTO (many of us have a “Use it or lose it” workplace PTO policy anyway; why leave any remaining days on the table?).

If you can relinquish a culinary burden with takeout or catering, there’s also no shame in subbing it out to the pros once in a while.  The moral of this story is: Subcontract what you can when you can to account for increased demands of time & focus and you’ll find the going much more comfortable.  While I don’t want to add to your list of duties, the very end of 2023 looks like a good time to put energy toward matters involving diet & nutrition, cleanliness & organization, work, and/or wellness as we approach the New Year.  It looks like you could benefit from a low-key kickoff to 2024 that focuses more on “putting your house in order” – anything that’s been neglected on any of the aforementioned fronts may start to stick out like a sore thumb, so maybe get an early start on Dry January with some boring-but-necessary Taking Care of Business instead of partying the night away.  Whether it’s post-holiday household chores like packing away the ornaments & special dinnerware, cleaning up your diet and curbing the excess indulgences of the season, updating your CV to go fishin’ for a new job in the New Year, or other similar “adulting”-type things, it will help set the tone right for the next 365 days.  Your body also may not be up to “just one more night out” – I see a need for rest, as it seems to be feeling sensitized and also looks like you may have sick people in your orbit. Whether you find yourself playing “nurse” or just want to avoid coming down with something yourself, staying in for New Year’s may be just what the doctor ordered.

♌ Bonjour my lovely Leo!  As the zodiac’s resident “Party Animal”, you tend to be more hype than most about all the celebrations that happen this time of year.  Nobody loves fun quite like our Lions, but the recent eclipses may have dimmed your mood as you weathered some turbulence.  Emerging from this, you seem to be rooting out some non-productive behaviors & thought patterns – possibly even ugly ones – and for this, you should be commended.  This sort of organic growth isn’t easy, and although this type of change isn’t instantaneous you should be starting to see signs of movement in the right direction *provided* you can restrain your lower, more simplistic or even animalistic “base” impulses. Tell the “lizard brain” to chill! And embrace self-compassion on this journey – you’re definitely driven, so as you are motivating yourself consider also what you are doing to nourish this transformation and choose positivity/a “can-do!” spirit over masochism.  If you need a break, take one because this is an intensive procedure and if it starts to feel bad, it’s likely to be de-motivating.  You’re becoming more intimate with *yourself* though this process, and the energy you’re putting out/in has to be managed in a sustainable way!  As a helpful addition, you may find music cathartic and/or motivating – think about “theme music” to help reinforce this transformation as you shed old skin.

A new you is on the way, luminescent Lion, though it has not quite arrived yet and I must caution you not to squander your energy engaging in – or heaven forbid; picking – fights.  Because your patience may be tested at times – particularly over the Thanksgiving holiday week – and this is especially true regarding things that may be perceived as challenges to your philosophical or perhaps even political identity; make an effort to de-personalize, consider the source before raising your hackles, and avoid “right-fighting”.  If elder figures irk you, consider it a generational issue à la “OK Boomer” and make your mantra “moving onward…(and upward!)”, because there’s nothing to be won by fighting.  It could also be a boss with poor boundaries bringing their politics or dogma into the office that ticks you off instead; just keep yourself in-check and stay off the soapbox & you’ll be fine.

December sees you in a more upbeat vibe overall – some speedy self-healing is definitely kicking in and you’ll enjoy both positive, healthy self-assertion as well as an increase in self-confidence – your energy levels seem to be getting a boost too, so do something outdoorsy and get movin’ because your legs look restless!  Between December’s 2nd & 3rd weeks, you may have to watch your intake of “substances” – be this alcohol, cannabis, or anything else – as there is a rather “self-medicating”/”escapist” vibe in play, so maybe instead of going this route just focus on you and withdraw from the outside world a little bit to sit quietly with yourself. If you’re tempted to spin things (i.e. your perspective/framing) in a more positive light than reality warrants, remember that disappointment is also a part of life and cultivating acceptance of the reality of “less-than-ideal” is an important part of personal growth.  You may even be feeling a little blue at this time – make sure you’re getting adequate rest, try some meditation or visualization, and do your best to adopt a more Buddhist philosophy re: life & suffering and freedom from attachment.

Do watch your physical health around this time, too – this is a short yet potentially vitality-diminishing influence and you probably don’t want to wind up sick this close to Christmas.  By following the above advice & using this as a period of rest & reflection, you’re less likely to come down with something.  Christmas weekend isn’t great for travel if you can avoid doing so – aside from the possible health hiccup, you may find yourself roadblocked by things like delayed or canceled flights, traffic jams, car problems, etc. and it may not be worth the stress.  Work/career matters may be starting to take precedence anyway and it looks like your energies are best focused in this direction at the end of the year.  There looks to be an opportunity brewing, though it may not initially present this way in terms of economics.  This is a slow-growth scenario, so be open to change because it may benefit you more in the long run.

♍ Hello there, versatile Virgo!   You certainly are an industrious critter, but as of late all the busyness may have gotten rather…compulsive…as we enter early November. What are you really nurturing with all this motion?  It isn’t about consuming metaphorical empty calories in an effort to fill a void, but sitting quietly with whatever it is that might be making you uncomfortable at the moment and embracing acceptance, because it’s difficult to change what isn’t acknowledged.  Peeking inward even further, I daresay similar could even apply to the bedroom if you have found that your desires have gotten a little…exotic as of late.  What hunger is being filled here?  Do not mistake intensity for intimacy – there’s nothing wrong with experimenting or mixing it up, but don’t entirely discount the possibility this may not be coming from the most wholesome of places, either.  That’s not a judgement; rather a call for greater self-understanding if this is something that might manifest in a lather-rinse-repeat cycle that perhaps doesn’t feel so great/just leaves you hungry for more of the same – remember the “empty calories” metaphor as you turn instead toward a more tantric experience.   Nobody is perfect, but it’s about starving parts of the brain that perpetuate negative feedback loops and instead using this as a push to embrace change that nourishes healthier, more insightful, and empowered thinking.  To this end, feed your spiritual side – Virgo often gets lost in the minutiae of logic, but this call for transformation comes from a higher place than reason.  You may benefit from some quiet to tune into the message, because it is subtle and for your ears alone.

Uncharacteristically, you may have to watch your mouth more than most during the last two months of the year – usually you’re fairly discerning in word choice, but there is a candor in play that may run you afoul of authority figures.  Saying less *is* more in November & December, so filter your texts and emails – especially professional correspondence – under this same criteria as well for best results as we close out the year. It’s the kind of thing where you might be background stressed and make an attempt to laugh this off with a (possibly off-color?) humor that just doesn’t land well with your audience – play it safe instead.  I recommend turning this energy inward – rather than verbal energy, make it mental – use the end of the year to learn something, because it’s pretty hard to stick your foot in your mouth if your nose is buried in a book!

Seriously; it looks like there’s something you could read that provides major food for thought, and it may even help you professionally.  This could be anything from tackling the foundations of a foreign language, to taking a course on something that assists your career development, and many things in between – you might be distance e-learning, using an app (ex: Babbel for foreign language), or even watching a series of TED talks that inspire you rather than actually “hitting the books”; the point is, you’re taking in information and using it to expand your mind (and hopefully later, career prospects!).  Of course, you’ll still want to be discerning and utilize ”a grain of salt” to ensure that you’re taking in information from reputable and authentic sources who know what they’re talking about rather than someone just posturing for prestige.  The end of the year may have you thinking about professional matters; especially as it pertains to growth – don’t rush to make any decisions right now; simply gather more information.  This has a disorienting feel to it & you would be better served by waiting, not making assumptions, and asking plenty of questions – mid/late Jan is better for making moves.

♎ Greetings, likable Libra!  You and your cousin Taurus had quite an “exciting” summer/early fall; the likes of which you could probably do without for a while. You’re in a different place now and getting more used to going your own way; this divergence from the crowd having become a sign of healthy self-esteem.  As November begins, you’re pondering what is healthy and continuing to make organic changes toward this end in all contexts with an eye toward balance, reciprocity, and placing fair value on your own preferences. Just due to the nature of the holiday season, interpersonal dynamics are again going to come into focus and as such you will have opportunities to heal the part of you that says “Just smile & get along!” by trying to talk it out if/when you’re hurt and being honest about your experience.

If that doesn’t work or isn’t logically feasible, honor the part of yourself that would rather avoid/evade hurtful dynamics altogether – it’s fine to take a pass and/or dip out, because you deserve PEACE!  Through the bulk of the month, perhaps the most helpful thing for you is to open lines of communication – call a cousin, gab with your best friend, and generally concentrate on uplifting conversations in order to balance out the ones that maybe *haven’t* felt so good.  There are still people who love you and whom you love; people who will be there with words of encouragement or with whom you can share a hearty laugh, and this will help to keep you in a positive headspace.

Like Taurus, you may need to wrangle spending in December.  You may also become aware of a pattern involving “transactional dynamics”; wherein material gain is leveraged as a bid for engagement that perhaps doesn’t feel so hot.  Because you’re gotten so much savvier lately, this shouldn’t be too hard for you to spot and will allow you to put proper communication boundaries in place to put a stop to anything funky in this regard.  For example, parents offering to fly you out to spend a(nother) dysfunctional Christmas together?  No thanks; you’re good!  You benefit more from some alone time; possibly using this as a period of reflection, rest, and/or an opportunity to volunteer & do something charitable.  I could totally see you spending the holiday volunteering at a soup kitchen, food pantry, or similar – you’re in a giving and self-sacrificial space, and this is a much healthier option than martyring yourself in the prior way.  If a soup kitchen isn’t available/accessible, many programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous run 24-hour drop-in clubs at the holidays to help keep people sober during a potentially triggering time – you could always get in contact with a chapter in your area to see if you could do something like make a donation or drop off holiday snacks, cookies, or delicious non-alcoholic refreshments to help the cause and give people a taste of the holiday foods they might be missing in order to keep clean/sober.

♏ Salutations, Scorpio!  You’re more in your element than most as November arrives – you look sharp and energized, though you may be challenged with a shift in perspective that results in a “change of plans”.  You may get feedback that you are moving alright, but perhaps not in the direction you want early in the month – understand there’s more to life than just the basics of what you *think* you want on the surface and  look for what truly nourishes you underneath it all.  Thankfully, you’re not feeling passive at all – especially as the Scorpio New Moon arrives – and you know what you have to do, which may involve relinquishing something you thought you wanted and changing course.

You’re a rock star at this, though, and may make one more major move for something that truly feeds your soul before the year is out.  Contemplate how to nourish this transformation, in all senses of the word. You are an absolute powerhouse of energy in the first three weeks of November with damn near limitless catalytic potential at your disposal, but it may be most beneficial for you to focus these very potent reserves on something you’ve had in-process for a long time; possibly years, even – this looks like you’re both letting go of & actualizing something deeply wanted, and the astro may represent the final energetic “push” you’re giving yourself to cross the finish line.

Not all transformations are outwardly apparent – it looks you are challenging yourself, first and foremost, and possibly confronting some (old?) inner demons along the way.  YOU WILL EMERGE VICTORIOUS, THOUGH – stay the course and be open to looking at pathological patterns, because you stand a very good chance of stopping them via a little self-compassion coupled with devotion to what is going on in your inner world.  You are *not* your family-of-origin and as the year closes out, it seems you may be poised to accept some kind of ally/partner into your life who is both simpatico AND challenges your perspective at times (in a good way!) via objectivity and the pointing-out of meta-patterns.  Regardless, it seems like you are rooting out self-worth issues and finding beauty, appreciation, and value in what you had previously deemed your “less desirable bits”, because exploration of these darker inner reaches has given you an altogether different kind of beauty; one rooted in depth and the strength of your own resiliency.

Your astrological prescription for the last two months of the year involves A) Proper physiological and psychological nourishment to keep your mental and physical energy high – like cousin Aries, I’m seeing a need for healthy proteins and complex carbohydrates and B) Allowing yourself to relax – regeneration requires rest; especially as we approach Christmas & the New Year.  If you can burn some PTO just being lazy near these holidays, do so.  You may also benefit from socially disconnecting (or at least getting some distance) from friends whose values are at odds with your own – tolerance is one thing, but as of late it seems you may be bothered by what this has been enabling and thus may make change accordingly.

♐ How goes it, Sagittarius?  While it may not feel like you’re starting November on a particularly strong note, it will get better as the year closes out; particularly if you make it a point to deal with less oppositional – or at the least, less annoying and/or argumentative – people.  Seriously; some things are just not worth fighting about.  Even if they’re material things – the astro may, for example, represent a vengeful partner trying to stick it to you and they’re getting their jollies by drawing you into a negative interaction.  Whatever the case, less really is more and recent events have made you more mindful of *not* taking the bait!  Besides, you will do much better focusing on family, as well as your commitments to your work & health.  Around mid-month, it looks like you are making some financial and interpersonal adjustments – though you are typically a “glass half-full” kind of person, it seems like balance is needed for better judgment in both realms.

You may also benefit from slowing your roll in multiple contexts – you’re energetic, restless, and this itchiness could lead to impulsive action that goes against your better (and more relaxed) judgment.  Maybe you need a physical outlet; kickboxing? Dancing?  Get those legs moving and that heart rate up and it may help to sublimate this energy in more constructive fashion.  You may also benefit from cleaning up your eating; especially as December arrives – think whole foods that are more nutritious and also things that help to lower inflammation; from omega-3 fatty acids to anti-inflammatory herbs & spices, you gain through achieving better balance.  To this end, talk to a pro; someone who can advise you regarding what to eliminate and what to incorporate, because this may have you rethinking things (though do your own research, too, and increase your own understanding of your body & its metabolic processes while you verify their info).

In fact, rethinking things seems to be the name of the game for you as you close out the year and this may extend in a professional sense as well.  As such, I urge you to use December less for making actual moves and more for gathering (better/additional) information – you’ll have a whole new year in front of you, so take your time.  Your perspective is shifting in practical ways, and patience is better than succumbing to knee-jerk reactions made in haste. Dust-off/rework your CV by all means, but for example if your boss is stressed and makes a snippy comment one day, don’t allow yourself to get irked enough to quit on the spot. Communication problems are par for the course for everyone at the end of the year due to Mercury backtracking, so try your best to breathe through any transient hiccups in this regard as you focus on positive self-talk that will make you less re-active and more pro-active in approach.  I do also need to advise you that your health could be wonky between Christmas & New Year’s – limit travel if you can, and if you can’t then protect your face.  A partner/love interest could even bring illness your way via travel, so if you’re sweetie has recently been on a flight it may be better to play it safe and isolate until you’re reasonably confident they’re not ill – this does not appear to be a quick “24-hour bug”; rather something that could linger.

♑ Capable Capricorn, though you might be feeling a little less steady right now, meditate & just give it a few days because you’re actually reorienting and making some positive shifts if you can sequester some time to/for yourself.  This is important in early November, because you may have the sense of needing to make an adjustment to a key relationship in your life; perhaps a partnership or close one-on-one friendship.  A talk may be in order, but you may be a bit guarded with what you say; believing instead that “less is more”.  It’s difficult to improve things, however, if you can’t be honest/real about what would bring balance.  To help alleviate this, try your best to temper honesty with kindness, because “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down” as the old saying goes.

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I will advise you of two things: #1) Beg off travel if you can; especially for work or if you feel like you *have* to go (parental guilt trip, anyone??) vs. want to – even in this case, the timing of this looks “off” and it just seems like a headache you really don’t need  #2) Watch your anger; particularly as it relates to being candid – normally you’re very measured, but I’m sensing an uncharacteristic bluntness born of irritation that may not land well with people like parents, elderly figures, bosses, or people in authority.  What *does* work well now is to spot dysfunctional patterns and stop them, so take solace in this if you find yourself getting hot-under-the-collar – remember, only YOU can prevent forest (dumpster?) fires! Mind your physical limits, too, because this is the kind of thing where some kind of activity causes strain or possibly even a broken bone.

You’ll be doing better as we head into December – generally you’re more thoughtful/considered/cautious with your words, your relationships improve (even those with parents and employers), and material matters go well.  Something like a commission or insurance payout could even come into the picture. Speaking of money, you might find yourself doing an internal audit and curbing expenses while looking at spending patterns as we arrive at the last month of the year.  This would be an excellent opportunity for you to look at the psychology behind your spending – perhaps there is a mentor who could help in this regard?  Material savvy is increased/reinforced by keeping devotion to a goal in mind; say for your family or perhaps the goal of homeownership, for example. Make it a point *not* to be “all business” in December, though – pleasure is important for balance too, and you’ll enjoy the fruits of your labors so much more; perhaps most if you shared this with someone special.  You have earned the opportunity to relax, so no need to feel like you’re slacking!

As the year closes, you may be rethinking work/professional matters with a mind toward incorporating more altruistic aims into the capitalism game.  Perhaps there is a way to do this in your current company/line of work; with a little tweaking and perhaps the right contacts.  It might be the kind of thing where you can talk to HR and transfer departments to work in a different capacity more in-line with such aims, for example, or network with others in your field to see what non-profits might be hiring – it would be wonderful if you could put that strong work ethic to use in a way that benefits humanity somehow; whether you work for someone else or are in business for yourself.  Significant material opportunities are coming if you embrace an element of selflessness; be patient & you’ll see this before too long.

♒ Aquarius, I’ll get right down to it: Scorpio season is rarely your favorite time of year and early November could be irksome in the wake of the last eclipse.  I daresay there could even be something a little…self-destructive…going on inside of you, so keeping healthy company will be key right now; look to those who love you & have your well-being in mind & heart to weather any inner or outer turbulence you might be experiencing.  You’re an Airy creature, but the deep waters of Scorpio season may have you feeling stifled with their unrelenting intensity.  It may be uncomfortable, but using this vibe to gain insight into what makes you tick can actually be freeing if you allow it.  We all have murky bits, and occasionally and objectively peering at the darkness within is key to empowerment & freeing ourselves of it.

You’re not a very materialistic creature by nature, but the last several years have seen you perhaps being more acquisitive than is characteristic; likely as a response to all the turbulence going on in the world. Careful that money and material things don’t make your more aloof, though; you are at your best when you are *connected* to the rest of humanity.  So instead of begging the aliens to beam you up (LOL), perhaps what you need right now is to tune into your own catalytic potential as an agent of change; mulling over the future you want to see both for yourself and for this planet and strategizing to align yourself with a simpatico network of peeps who share your ideals.  There may be some adjustment here – especially if you’re organizing something online and have to sort through all the weirdness online interactions can generate – but the most important thing to center on is your values.  It’s a bit like the recent Star Wars saga; it’s not about fighting what you hate, but saving what you love – ponder that for greater inner peace as Scorpio season continues to play itself out.

In December, you do best to keep committed to all aspects of health & wellness; being diligent about physical, mental, emotional, and yes; even relational well-being.  Something about your philosophy may be undergoing an adjustment in this regard – you’re likely going to be able to identify something in your viewpoint that is generating friction/static and then making change accordingly under a very different paradigm. Objectively filtering everything under the lens of healthy/unhealthy is key now, and when it comes to your physical health you might want to eschew some of the normal socializing you tend to do this time of year; particularly with people who have “just flown in from out-of-town” or if you yourself are tempted to hop on a plane and go visit.  You may be more inclined to come down with an acute respiratory aliment between Christmas and the New Year, and Mercury’s nearly stationary motion means this could linger – why end/start the year on a funky note if you don’t have to?  Instead, I encourage you to make good use of technology – even with Mercury retrograding, you should still be able to eke out a video call or two to keep in touch with your long-distance peeps.  If that doesn’t work, there’s always a good old-fashioned phone call!  This doesn’t have to be awkward; work with the retro-inspired vibe and have fun with going analog for a laugh.

♓ Howdy, Pisces!  There is a good chance that you are misunderstanding someone you love or that they are misunderstanding you as November begins, and unfortunately this theme of misinterpretation may not entirely clear up with the Mercury Retrograde soon arriving on-scene.  It will therefore be more important for you to spell things out painstakingly with those you love in early November so nothing is left up to the imagination, and also to see things *as they are* rather than in the better light of *how you would like them to be*.  Right now, you do have some support from Mercury for at least another week, so I would advise jumping in with both feet when it comes to deconstructing any dysfunctional communication dynamics.  Clear and direct communication helps – keep it simple & straightforward & you may experience a quick and positive turnaround.  It’s also about the *energy* of/behind what you’re communicating – by taking ownership of your vibe and nourishing more constructive elements while starving any destructive impulses, you are creating more wholesome interactions.  We all have bad days, but owning where we’re at day-to-day/moment-to-moment can keep us from leading with the wrong foot.

Like several other zodiac signs, you benefit by being more mindful of your health as well during the holiday season; especially if you intend to fly.  With communication already being a challenge to close out the year, the last thing you probably need is to wind up sticking your hoof in your mouth and saying the wrong thing because you’re not feeling your best!  In particular, candor is best tempered with a quieter & more meditative approach, as is looking at rest as an important overall part of your total wellness picture.  Avoid burning the candle at both ends; especially as we get nearer to the Christmas holiday – it seems like you could be more susceptible to infection from the stress of doing too much.  You so often identify as “The Helper” that it is sometimes easy for this to go too far, so practice asking for help too when you have a lot on your plate (or at the very least, not volunteering to take on more).

De-stressing with some mindfulness or breathing techniques can also be quite helpful – in all this merry madness, remember that it’s not so much about where you are or what you do, but about the spirit you keep inside of you.  Focus on being a conduit for the message of the season – goodwill toward men – and let your words and deeds be employed to positive effect in a way that uplifts; especially at work.  Some may not get it but you do, so happily ignore the office gossip or water cooler loudmouth and wish them well this Yuletide, because some just cannot help themselves.  Understanding this and letting annoyance go will make it a lot easier to release the philosophical clashes that might otherwise snag you up in debate.  Besides, you’re not likely to change anyone’s mind, so why bother? As they say, “Don’t worry; be happy!”


When Mercury Retrograde Hits…


LOL, a live look at an error message I received when logging in to do some work today – it looks like the Mercury Retrograde gremlins have been let out to play:

We all know the Mercury Retro drill; gadgets get glitchy, software slows down, hardware hiccups, updates may get upended, meetings get mixed-up, tongues (and texts) can get twisted,  anxiety tends to amp up, schedules can get squirrely, public transport plods, and/or your car might get crotchety.  Phew!  This Mercury retrograde seems to be feeling particularly punchy with its proximity to Fixed Star Aldebaran; like it has a forceful point to make.  In recent days leading up to this Rx, I watched the “Nervous Nelly” implications of Mercury turning Retrograde lead to days in which there were both substantial losses on Wall Street – with the Dow losing 1000 points, Nasdaq having its worst day in 2 years, & then the S&P hit its lowest level in a year  – and a crypto crash as Bitcoin dipped below 30K and triggered a wave of panic.  People get skittish when Mercury changes direction; it’s a thing! The world could use a deep, centering breath when Mercury makes moves like this; logic leaves while the limbic Lizard Brain often takes the wheel.

Indecision and vacillation also tend to be more commonplace during Mercury Retrogrades as we rethink things – this is often a good thing, as taking time to mull something over (again) may make us less inclined to act in haste based on faulty information.  We can frequently make wrong assumptions, or frankly just might not have all the facts of a matter whenever this planetary messenger’s motion is a little “off”.  It’s like a bad 90’s talk show; before going off half-cocked, wait for those DNA test results to come in!

For this specific Mercury Retrograde, there seems to be a theme of “severance” in the air; both literal and metaphorical.  Careful around machinery (including cars and household appliances) that you could have an accident (digits or limbs getting caught and cut) with, and be mindful of sharp things in general; Mercury bounces back-and-forth between Fixed Stars Aldebaran – associated with a sword-wielding Archangel Micheal – and Algol in Medusa’s severed head.  In a less literal sense, words can both cut and lead to a cutting off (of communications) with Mercury ping-ponging between these two powerful stars. Do not engage in gossip, and be mindful of what you say and/or write (on yet another Mercury Rx-related note, look at the leaked Supreme Court opinion on overturning Roe v. Wade that happened last week as evidence of this).  So be safe out there, take a big calming breath,  choose words wisely, and avoid distractions when around a sharp or otherwise potentially dangerous object.


Heeding Good Advice

When good advice comes to you, are you able to recognize it as such?  On a scale from 1 – 10 (1 = Never, 10 = Always), how often would you say that you listen to the advice of others?   I ask because with Mercury Retrograde incoming a little over a week from now, we should always pay attention to any messages we get more than once.  To wit, I’ll share something that bears repeating – it’s an excerpt from my March 1st newsletter referencing April’s Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction:

“…there is some major hermit energy inherent in this configuration, yet it is coupled with the paradox of there also being simultaneous restlessness regarding isolation. Much like everything else with this alignment, this begs perspective and the necessity of asking ourselves “How much is too much?” in any given context. There is value in self-isolation as a means for mitigating over-sensitivity and for soul-searching to find one’s own truth, though admittedly in recent years we have certainly had a surplus of opportunities for this due to world events. In fact, some are so exhausted by this prolonged “hermit mode” they are desperately wanting to move “onward and upward” regardless of the broader ripple effect this may cause for the world at large and for the course of this pandemic. We can certainly choose not to believe in the pandemic anymore, but unfortunately the pandemic still believes in us or – more specifically – in our ability to keep spreading illness because of this great weariness we have about it. In fact, the astro of this alignment very much cautions against such over-relaxation leading to the spread of increased illness. There is indeed a theme of self-induced harm via over-permissiveness that can generate just such a wake on a bigger scale w/ the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. On the macro, there is most definitely a huge lather-rinse-repeat cycle that keeps going on with the premature eagerness to be “over” this virus leading to subsequent surges and more variants of concern emerging that are more, well, concerning than prior iterations.  For the time being, our energy is much better spent on finding ways to relax this restlessness before it balloons into a bigger problem for us.”

See also: The rise of multiple Omicron Covid-19 sub-variants –  BA 2.12.1, BA 4, & BA 5 – that all surfaced in the news right around the time of this conjunction.   I am publishing this excerpt again in the interest of public health because it was good advice then and it’s still good advice now; particularly with Mercury about to backtrack – remember, Mercury is a health planet too.  And in the physical body it governs the lungs & respiratory function (among other things).


Pluto in Capricorn & Healing Ancestral Trauma

In one of my recent newsletters (February 2022), I have been discussing the USA’s Pluto Return in the sign of Capricorn; what it is, why it’s significant, and – most importantly – what we can each/all do to help this crucial turning point be one of resurrection for our nation.  When speaking of Pluto, I have often mentioned the concept of bioluminescence; the ability to generate our own Light from within, even in the darkest of places.  Interestingly, many bioluminescent species are found in precisely such environs, and yet still they thrive – I think they have much to teach us at this decisive period in our nation’s history.

The strength of a nation is measured in the spirit of its people; more precisely, in their resilience.  These have been dark times indeed, but we need not fear them when have deep and unyielding confidence in our ability to recover.  It is this idea of recovery I wish to speak to now, for this is what is in greatest service to our nation and its people.  America’s Pluto Return is its “Scarlett O’Hara” moment in “Gone with the Wind” – silhouetted in the dawning of a new day, she says the following: “As God as my witness; they’re not going to lick me…..as God as my witness; I’m going to live through this and when it’s all over, I’ll never be hungry again!” You will note that I have very deliberately left out the part where she vows “If I have to lie, steal, cheat, or kill…”, as this is Lo-Fi Pluto and – rather than give into more ignoble impulses where we try to make the ends justify the means – I wish to inspire us instead toward Pluto’s higher potential.  For the purposes of this post, the point of the quote lies in Scarlett’s indomitable will to survive any crisis that life throws at her.

Recovery can happen in many ways, but I want to talk about one of the most impactful levels as it is a topic germane to all Americans now.  Because Pluto is associated with both trauma and healing, perhaps one of the most salient points to mention involves Capricorn’s connection with that which is “old” in addition to this sign also having ties to history, our forefathers, and our “pedigree” or “lineage”.  In understanding Pluto’s deepest healing potential, we know that when it Returns in the sign of Capricorn we (as a collective nation) will be dealing with themes that involve gaining insight into old, possibly generational traumas (or perhaps “curses”) for the sake of banishing, cleansing, and renewing on an energetic level.

Ancestral trauma can come in many forms – most (if not all) of us alive on the planet here today have ancestors who “had it hard” in one respect or another; sometimes in several areas at once.  We may live with the energetic residue of things like poverty, famine, war, slavery, or even genocide metaphysically encoded in our DNA; even if we ourselves haven’t lived through such events.  Traumas such as these can hold particular power over us if we are not conscious of their potential trickle-drown effects.  Sometimes there are actual learned (dysfunctional) behaviors that we might inherit as a result; like the hoarding tendencies one might have as the child of parents who stockpiled more food than was necessary in the wake of living through the bread lines of The Great Depression.  This is not a judgement whatsoever; intense experiences understandably leave a mark.  But best now to direct energy toward old scar tissue to see if we can transform what was once a curse into a point of empowerment.

A large part of healing the “curses” of our forefathers lies in the naming of these demons and symbolically casting them out – let us dig into the roots of our family trees to understand and resolve that which causes our ancestors’ spirits to have unrest so we can stop this from affecting future generations.  What this looks like for each person is going to be very different; especially with respect to whether these kinds of impactfully disturbing experiences happened from the victim or perpetrator’s (or perhaps our ancestors were both, à la hurt people hurt people) side(s).  But investigating with a spirit of integrity, humility, and an earnest desire to straighten things out gets us far….sometimes we are the ones left holding the bag for our parents’/grandparents’/great-grandparents’/etc., and it is better to work constructively on clearing out the mess than to curse the burden that now rests upon our shoulders.  Heal what they couldn’t; willingly take on the responsibility for straightening out their (energetic) legacy.


The Mars/Venus/Pluto Mashup in Capricorn

As if the world doesn’t have enough to deal with right now; just in time for Thursday’s  approaching conjunction of war god Mars with volcanic Pluto 🙄  Venus is in the mix too, though, and here’s my geopolitical take on this alignment:

Vladimir Putin is a Libra Sun with three other planets located in this sign as well; he is strongly influenced by the planet Venus, which is (and has been) debilitated by its recent retrograde in Capricorn.  This is also important because Venus rules money, and I’m not sure that Putin weighed the economic ramifications of his decision to invade Ukraine nearly enough – the ruble has plunged 30% in recent days and the Russian Central Bank jacked rates to 20% to keep pace with the resulting economic fallout.  Capricorn is a stern sign that demands both self-restraint and that we do the right thing or we will face the consequences, and this has been a very bad business decision for Putin. Economic punishment is, IMO, the right move here; it hits where it hurts most.

Mars has been tagging along with Venus very closely the last few weeks; serving as an astrological catalyst for Putin’s naked aggression.  Mars is a pushy, aggressive, agitating kind of energy but Venus suffers from its influence; particularly whilst already curbed by Capricorn’s heavy-handed nature. Venus also represents one’s allies, and it seems Putin is lacking for friends at the moment – even the famously neutral country of Switzerland has dropped its non-involved status to impose sanctions.  Social isolation is another consequence of a lonely Venus in Capricorn, but the friends that do remain under this influence are truly ride-or-die (see: Belarus) due this duo’s approaching conjunction with Pluto.

Venus remains in post-retrograde torpor until tomorrow night, and even once she’s free of this she will quickly find herself slammed between Pluto and Mars.  Ancient astrologers called this condition of being sandwiched between malefic planets “besiegement”, and it’s generally indicative of something “going from bad to worse” – being that we have Putin’s ruling planet astrologically “getting it from both sides” like this, IMO he would be wisest in the long term to broker a peace deal since all he is doing now is unifying his (powerful) enemies while losing financial and relational support.

Slava Ukraini!



The USA’s Pluto Return

2022 is a big year for the USA; it is the year that Pluto will have made one full lap around the zodiac wheel to return to the point where it was located on July 4, 1776 when the early British-American colonies declared independence from England.  I feel it necessary to discuss some important things about the use of this date in complete deference to all the Indigenous Peoples that existed on this land mass long before European settlers came along.  The reason astrologers use this date as America’s “birth” in order to calculate a chart for the nation is fairly simple and isn’t meant to disregard at all the history and the peoples that were here since time immemorial.  Indeed, every land on Earth is ancient and obviously came into existence eons before humans even existed; think of Pangea! So using July 4,, 1776 as the “birth” date of America is a bit of an overly simplistic misnomer; rather it would be more accurate to say that we merely use this date to calculate a similar chart. Did you know that businesses and relationships can have charts, too?  What do we use to calculate these?  What makes it “official” on paper?

For example, we might have the idea for a business and be working on it long before we file for our LLC and receive our tax ID.  We were “gestating” it months or perhaps even years earlier; having a concrete date when it becomes a legally recognized entity in no way de-legitimizes the vision and all the work put in up until that very exciting moment.  The technical stuff essentially just functions as a “scalpel” cutting the umbilical cord so the business becomes an entity in its own right; albeit just not a human one.

Or perhaps we look to the “birth” of a relationship; again, a misnomer.  Maybe two individuals have known each other forever and were friends long before they ever dated, so it can’t be when they first met each other, right?  So what “counts”?  Is it when they went out on their first date together?  Perhaps when they were first asked out/asked the other party out?   Sometimes things aren’t clear-cut or there’s nothing “official” recorded to mark the “birth” and in such cases one must use their discernment.  Most couples remember their first date and refer to that as their “anniversary”, so we could use this if we wanted to look at the ins and outs of that relationship from an astrological POV.  But again, a couple could have met years prior or could have had romantic interest in each other for some time prior to going out with each other; using the pair’s first date merely allows us to have a concrete point in time to which we can refer and does not de-legitimize the history between them.  This lack of date consensus is also why most astrologers might opt instead to draw up a Synastry or Composite chart rather than a “birth” type of chart.

Though America and its First Peoples existed for literally thousands of years prior to the British colonies declaring their independence from The Crown and revolting against King George III’s rule, the signing of the Declaration of Independence is something we can refer to that – for better or worse – is snapshot of a “scalpel” moment when these young colonies started to function as their own entity.  Contextually, it is important to understand that First Nations Peoples were cultures that relied entirely upon oral histories; hence there were no earlier written dates of America’s “founding” to refer to, nor did Europeans exactly care to ask about such things whilst they were busy taking land and food from this nation’s original inhabitants.  Even if they had, how would communication of this information have been possible given the language barrier?  Forget the fact that First Nations Peoples would have no concept of or use for the Europeans’ Gregorian calendar!  How could one possibly hope to find a more accurate “birth” date for a nation in such circumstances?  Unfortunately, as is so often the case, the date we have for reference is sadly the one written by the “victors”.

In a heated sociopolitical climate, it is especially important that as astrologers we try to approach the use of this date with sensitivity and awareness; acknowledging its Eurocentric roots while also understanding the context that we simply don’t have other options that aren’t rooted in this same POV when it comes to calculating a chart for the USA; this is really all we have to work with.  I’m not sure that it would be an improvement to use, say, the date in 1492 that an Italian conquista “explorer” got lost and bumped into a large landmass in the Atlantic Ocean by mistake because he was seeking a shortcut.  Or the date the first wave of European settlers landed at Plymouth Rock, for example – both instances do not acknowledge that there were others living and governing their communities here long prior.  But perhaps it would be of service to compare this situation to conception vs. the moment the umbilical cord is cut.  Life starts long before a child exits its mother’s womb – 9 months prior, sperm met egg, cells multiplied, a heartbeat flickered into existence, and before long a growing human being was formed; nobody can deny the entire process was started well in advance of the child taking its first recorded breath.  And perhaps if we could pinpoint conception and use that as the basis of a chart instead, this would be the more valid – and far more culturally sensitive – tool for the job.


You Know It’s Scorpio Season When….

🦂 You can’t make this stuff up; scorpions making headlines during peak Scorpio season….!  Apparently, heavy rains in an area known for its desert climate – Aswan, Egypt – have brought scorpions out in droves; enough to sting and hospitalize several hundred people per this article :

Even more interesting?  The rains also flushed out snakes along with the scorpions – this happened right as the Scorpio Sun came within proximity of Fixed Star Unukalhai (AKA Cor Serpentis); the Heart of the Serpent. 🐍   Stabby Mars and newsworthy Mercury were just coming off a conjunction in stinging Scorpio to boot – it’s little wonder this event made the presses. 

Astrology does not lie.


Saturn Stationary Direct in Aquarius

The man famous for playing the role of legendary Sci-Fi explorer Captain James T. Kirk on the landmark series “Star Trek” – William Shatner – has just become the oldest man to visit space at 90 years old.  Not coincidentally, this happened just after Saturn – the planet we associate with old age – resumed Direct motion in out-of-this-world Aquarius; talk about a “sign of the (astrological) times”.  How cool is it that – with 9 decades under his belt– Bill no longer just *played* someone who went to space; he actually got to make this a reality??

It goes to show you that with Saturn in Aquarius, it’s never too late to actualize your hopes and dreams.  It reminds of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; specifically the part where Benjamin takes up with Elizabeth Abbott.  Before life and time had beaten her down, Elizabeth was someone full of ambition and at 19 years old aspired to be the first woman ever to swim across the English Channel – unfortunately, she gave up after bad weather and a strong current went against her.  She felt crushed by the experience and never tried again. Many years after their affair ended, Benjamin sees Elizabeth being interviewed on television as “The Oldest Woman to Swim Across the English Channel”.  She smiles at the camera breathlessly and says “I suppose anything is possible.”
