Pulling Into The (Neptune) Station

With Neptune pausing to halt and shift into retrograde gear today, its vibes are ultra strong in the cosmos at the moment!  Pay attention to messages in your dreams, during restful states like meditation, savasana, or prayer, and listen to that “still small voice” welling up from Within or even whispering in your ear right now.  Weird and wonderful things can happen when Neptune is stationing, and especially with it currently supported by Mercury and Jupiter the messages from Spirit are apt to be big and loud.

For example on the way home from my run this morning, I petitioned my Guides aloud to please send me a feather – as I returned home not 10 minutes later, what do think I noticed had conspicuously materialized on my lawn somehow, LOL? A hawk feather! Not only did my Guides deliver, but they delivered in a huge way; somebody was definitely listening! The veil between mundane and non-ordinary reality is gossamer thin at this time; the invisible membrane separating our world from the spiritual world is indeed ultra-permeable.  Keeping lucid and clear-headed while consciously opening up lines of communication to Divinity through methods like prayer, Journeying, meditation, or even divination pays off big time now.

I mention clear-headed quite deliberately because Neptune is such an exquisitely sensitive vibration that it’s easy to miss its subtle intimations if/when we’re in an artificially altered state of consciousness, and so much valuable guidance can be lost this way!  Besides, with this planet stationing adverse effects from substances of all stripes – ranging from allergic reactions to problems with anesthesia – are more likely to occur.  Those in naturally altered states – say, those with narcolepsy or Alzheimer’s, for example – may find this energy can indicate experiences with lucid dreaming or even a lessening of dementia symptoms.  When Neptune turns retrograde, it’s like the fog temporarily parts and we can see more clearly with our 3rd eye.  And speaking of lucid dreaming: If we’re tempted to experiment with this using the aid of natural sleep aids/enhancers like herbs or supplements, just go easy!  Echoing the aforementioned theme of increased sensitivity as we reach the Neptune station, this is understandably not something we would want to overdo because they’re apt to be more potent than usual.

One other facet of Neptune turning retrograde is that it often tends to unveil some kind of illusion we’ve been living under; whether that’s some kind of outright deception surfacing or just a skewed perception we’ve had about something/someone.  Our Guides are trying to help us see beyond the veil created by the effects of smoke and mirrors, ruses, lies, and fantasy now, so be sure to thank them for their tireless service to our Highest Good if this happens. Perhaps you’ll even find some feathers, too, as evidence of this; supposedly a tangible sign that angels are indeed watching over us. 👼🕊


Neptune’s Intuition

With Neptune powerful in its Pisces domicile for the foreseeable future, I thought I would take this opportunity to discuss this planet’s considerable intuitive gifts and how to recognize them. Intuition is something that happens completely outside of the conscious rational mind – it is a non-tangible, non-logical sense of receiving information that we have no other reasonable explanation for. For some this expresses as “hearing” a voice that is often initially mistaken for their internal thoughts. For others, they may “see” things in their mind’s eye and blow it off as “just their imagination”. Others feel things on a visceral level in the form of physical sensations in the body that are “weird” or transiently mimic illness. There are many varietals – perhaps yours comes instead through dreams. Or maybe it’s heard through music, whether it’s the perfect timing of a song on the radio or the lyrics stuck in your head on repeat for no good reason.

Neptunian intuition is frequently quite hard to pin down; it is something prone to shapeshifting and behaves differently for each individual. Some are more connected to it than others, and it all depends upon how good we are at listening to it rather than judging it. Those who consciously seek a spiritual connection to Divinity and who have personal beliefs that hold space for the impossible and miraculous seem to have an easier time tapping into it, as there is less resistance to the flow and the ability to suspend judgement and disbelief is crucial in lubricating Neptune’s energy so it can stream *through* us. We’re just Receivers for the signal, that’s all – it doesn’t originate *from* us but is instead a god-given factory setting that allows us to tune in to the Source of all that is, was, and will ever be. The precise frequency that each one of us uses to tune into that information from Source varies, but the key is to put ourselves in settings that allow us to tune out more of the white noise of mundane life so we can pick up instead on the more subtle dimensions that might otherwise be ignored.

That last bit is crucial; the more distractions we have jamming up the input lines, the harder it is to decipher what’s what – that’s why solitude can be invaluable. Carving out time to rest, meditate, pray, sprawl out in shavasana, be still, or just get good sleep are all ways of making ourselves clearer conduits for intuitive messages to come through us. And perhaps the most important thing to understand about Neptunian intuition is how it often goes unrecognized by the Self because this planet’s energy is highly ego-effacing by nature. “Oh, that wasn’t anything; it couldn’t possibly be – I don’t have any ‘psychic’ abilities. I’m no Edgar Cayce,” is often what we tell ourselves, downplaying the significance of those nebulous impressions we shouldn’t be ignoring. The Neptunian vibe seeks no glory or recognition, being inherently self-effacing. Therefore it can easily remain a blind spot obscured from our view so that we don’t recognize it for what it truly is; a different means of understanding that comes not from the mind but from Spirit.


Pisces Full Moon, Conjunct Neptune

Image credit: D Sharon Pruitt

I tried to outrun the gathering storm – it worked…for a while. But the minuscule drips soon turned to cascading droplets and there was no escaping it; I was out in the weather. The pouring heavens cried – I felt their tears wick through my soft cotton tank and into my sports bra as I ran through the deluge. I tried in vain to dry the sky’s eyes but the thin streams trickling down the side of the road soon eddied and gushed into small rivers, soaking hair, skin, feet. I surrendered completely to the rain, allowing it to wash over me as I received its absolution; blessed holy water from above cleansing mankind of its transgressions. Sometimes we all need a good cry – Mother Earth is no exception. I made my peace with the downpour as I pressed on, knowing sanctuary awaited if I just kept moving forward.


Quantifying An “Omen”

Omen (n) : a prophetic sign; something that happens that is regarded as a sign of how somebody or something will fare in the future. See also “portent”.

As fairly Plutonic person, I find that am perpetually seeing “signs” everywhere – it is somewhat of an occupational hazard, you might say, when this planet is active in your nativity. Things that might otherwise remain invisible to others tend to stand out to me as if they’ve been bathed in Luminol, LOL.

However, I realize that it can be challenging for many to work out exactly how to know if something is indeed an omen. That’s a tad hard for me to put into words, actually – when you’re naturally inclined to latch onto even the smallest of details and follow them like a proverbial breadcrumb trail and don’t believe that anything in life is a mere coincidence, synchronicity is found EVERYWHERE. Yet for the sake of this post, I will try anyway so that readers may understand – beyond a shadow of a doubt – exactly how to identify an omen.

So here is a related anecdote for you: Tonight on my way home from the gym, I saw one of these:

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© EmpoweredDestiny.com 2015. All rights reserved.

Cool, right?

But just two weeks (to the day) earlier, I had seen another:

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© EmpoweredDestiny.com 2015. All rights reserved.

Ok, a little weird, but still pretty cool.

What if I told you, though, that exactly three weeks before this instance – after emerging from a very profound healing session on the Gemini New Moon (that was conjunct Mars, BTW) – ANOTHER had appeared before me?

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© EmpoweredDestiny.com 2015. All rights reserved.

Yeah, that’s just SPOOKY! “Can you hear me NOW? Good!”

Always on a Tuesday, the day of the week ruled by Mars. And always lingering just long enough for me to get the shot before it literally vanished into thin air right in front of my eyes. Is it coincidence also that magical Neptune is currently affecting my (Plutonic-flavored) 8th House Mars, LOL? I don’t think you get much more magical than a rainbow, do you? Those are certainly neat correlations, but the primary takeaway for me lies in contemplating the symbolism of rainbows, which I always take as a harbinger of happiness after a difficult period (i.e. the preceding storm). Here is a quote from famed astrologer Isabel Hickey (rest her soul) regarding 8th house energies, taken directly from her fabulous book Astrology: A Cosmic Science – “Every 8th House operation is a celestial messenger in disguise and a challenge to penetrate this disguise and become the recipient of the blessing he bears. In the wake of an 8th House storm there is always a rainbow if we but lift our eyes to perceive it.

So what’s the moral of this story? You cannot go wrong if you abide by the old Rule Of Three regarding omens! There is no way – in this writer’s humble opinion – if you encounter something via three separate instances, that it’s NOT a sign! This is roughly the equivalent of being hit in the head with a Cosmic 2 x 4, in my estimation. So if all else fails and you’re not sure if something is a sign or not? Watch how many more times it manifests – you’ll have yourself a definitive answer!

Trips, bay-bee - read 'em and weep!
Trips, bay-bee – read ’em and weep!


A Neptunian Tale In Preparation For Saturn In Sagittarius Square Neptune In Pisces


I’ve found myself placing an unusually high value on “restorative time” these days, whether this is time spent unwinding in yoga class or simply catching some good zzz’s at night, so I recently decided that I was in the market for a new mattress, naturally. I was searching for something supportive and yet soft enough to make me want to leap into the bed with glee at the end of a long day, but before making this investment I decided to do some investigating – there’s so many bedding options out there these days that looking into the pros and cons of all the different varieties on the market only seemed sensible. Inner spring, pillow top, pocketed coil, latex, memory foam, gel foam, air cushioned……the array of sleep possibilities are simply dizzying!

Now this got me thinking, because Neptune is the Lord of Dreamtime, so of course mattresses fall under his domain. And no matter where we turn, it seems everyone is trying to sell us on this ideal of “a perfect night’s sleep”. But I have to wonder if such an elusive, mythical creature even exists or if it’s simply a vague yet enticing concept cooked up by marketing gurus, designed to drive us in sleepless droves down to the mattress stores. And what does “perfect” entail, exactly? Because what’s perfect to you, me, or the guy next door are likely to be very different things indeed!

During the course of all this information filtering, I came upon an eye-opening statistic: Did you know that in a consumer report survey conducted regarding mattress manufactures, most brand makers only had customer satisfaction ratings around the 50% mark? That’s just crazy to me – especially when you consider the average person’s willingness to shell out good coin to get that “perfect night’s sleep”. In my research, I came across models that were 5, 7, 10, 20+ THOUSAND dollars – now when a mattress costs more than a new CAR (which has complex engineering that goes into all those moving mechanical components), something fishy (yes, that’s a Neptune reference) is most certainly going on!

Neptune is a planet of fantasy – it tries to sell us a dream. And that’s what happens when we go a-mattress-shoppin’ – everyone is trying to convince us the dream is real and that it too can be ours for the low, low price of just fill-in-the-blank. A friend worked in this industry years ago and once told me the markup on these products was something like 1000% (yup, you read that right) – I don’t think he was …Read More…

The Insularity Of Neptune Transits

BubbleBefore I begin, let’s be clear on the point that every astrological energy holds the potential for both Hi-Fi & Lo-Fi expression; much of how it manifests (constructively or detrimentally, respectively) has do with the choices we make and the consciousness level of the individual. This is why I like astrology so much – I find when we’re aware of the full spectrum of vibrational frequencies an astro-energy emits, it allows us to make better choices and sidestep more problematic manifestations while actively seeking ways to capitalize on the beneficial facets of a particular vibe. But today I want to talk about one particular feature of Lo-Fi Neptune, and that’s the capacity to seal ourselves off in some sort of bubble or cocoon in response to anything we deem “harsh”. There’s a kind of a super-sensitization that occurs when we’re in the thrall of a Neptune transit, and while we can become kinder and gentler as a result of this, we’re also less inclined to deal in reality – particularly if/when it’s unpleasant. And we have plenty of “unpleasant realities” out there at the moment courtesy of Saturn in Scorpio still in mutual reception to Pluto in Capricorn.

When we experience a Neptune transit,  we may abide by “see no evil/hear no evil/speak no evil” and tend to suspend things like critical thinking, discernment, & our good judgment; preferring instead to operate on faith, idealism, and a belief in humanity’s better nature. We might be inclined to ask ourselves things like “Who am I to judge?” or make excuses for others’ bad behavior, but it’s precisely this tendency to suspend our normal filtering process that can lead us to shoot ourselves in the foot if we aren’t careful.  Besides the potential this creates for …Read More…